As you can tell from the title, this post is dedicated to talk about why I never get tired of cleaning my home.

Yes, I love cleaning. It’s weird but true. You may laugh at how messy or lazy you are right now while reading this, but to tell the truth, I have my mess and I get lazy too sometimes. But there’s always the time when the rush feeling to grab the mop or wipe cloth make their way back in and when it does, that’s when I know that I actually love cleaning. And that is because…
1. Cleaning Makes Me Feel Good
One of the reason why I’m fond of cleaning is because it simply makes me happy. I am sure the increase of dopamine level has something to do with it, moreover, science says that cleaning is actually a good way to release pent-up energy and can be an outlet of emotional weight too.
2. Cleaning Relaxes Me
Whenever I do housework, I feel like I’m in control and it calms me. I enjoy cleaning because it helps me manage the mess or clutter that can easily cause stress and anxiety. The habit of cleaning and tidying can be therapeutic and it can also be done as a mindfulness exercise to help keep negative emotion at bay.
3. Cleaning Makes Me Feel Accomplished
Cleaning or organising is an action to sort things out into a properly and orderly arrangement thus the result can be very rewarding. Even just doing one small task of cleaning can make me feel accomplished for the day. It’s important to feel satisfied with yourself no matter how minor. Be it mopping the floor or tidying up messy wardrobe, every cleaning task is fulfilling because I know I will have a cleaner and better outcome.
4. I Love the Feeling of a Clean and Tidy Home
After a long day at work, what is better than coming home to a clean and tidy home? A home that is not just cosy, but everything is organised and smells nice too! I always believe that a clean and tidy home is the key to have a positive view on life, it can even boost or ruin your state of mind because almost everything starts from home.
5. A Clean Home is a Healthy Home
When everything in your home is squeaky clean, you can rest assured that your family’s health won’t be compromised. When you clean your home regularly, you improve the quality of the indoor air as well. A healthy home is not only physically healthy for you, but also mentally. Less time being grumpy over piled-up laundry means more time spend together with the family.
6. Cleaning Helps Me Save Money and Time
Proper cleaning helps extend the lifespan of everything in your home. The longer something lasts, the lesser you need to fix or replace it. This means more money to save in the long run. Cleaning also helps save time in the long term because cleaning gets easier when you do it regularly. It’s easier to clean a grout that you just clean last week rather than letting the dirt build up overtime for you to scrub it off.
7. I Won’t Feel Embarrassed if Anyone Drops By
When people come over, we want to present our home in their best possible form. It’s only natural that we don’t want people to feel uncomfortable in our home, or even worse feel silently disgusted by some unpleasant smell out of unknown stuff. I don’t get visitor often but when I do, I don’t feel the need to stress over dusty windows or whether the toilet bowl has been cleaned because I clean them often.
8. Cleaning is a Way of Gratitude
Last but not least, remember to be grateful that you have a home when a lot of people don’t. I always try to remind myself that and cleaning has been my way of showing gratitude. Taking care of what you have is the best thing you can do to express that feeling of fortunate. Feeling thankful will make you appreciate things more and it’s enrich you so you can feel content with your life.